Monday, December 13, 2010

They That wait,,,

"Go on waiting calmly, my brothers, till the coming of the Lord, like the farmer waiting for the good fruit of the earth till the early and late rains have come." James 5;7





A husband and wife walk into a crowded restaurant on a busy Saturday night. As they approach and make it thru the main foyer they are greeted by a hostess whom asks them there name and the number of people in their party. The husband says 'Jones' and it will be two of us; he continues to say 'tonight is our anniversary and this is my wife's favorite place to eat'. A few minutes go by and the crowd in the waiting area begins to thicken as more and more couples and families arrive. Moments later the hostess calls back a couple that arrived awhile after the husband and wife. The wife asked her husband did you see that. I could have sworn that we were here before them. About ten minutes later the hostess returns assuring them that it won't be much longer before they are seated, but in the process she calls another party of two back that and had arrived at the restaurant after them as well. Now the wife is extremely bothered by this and once again ask the husband did he noticed. Not wanting to add fuel to the fire he kind of shrugs it off and tells his wife this is our night so let's not let anything get to us or upset us. "I am waiting for the Lord, my soul is waiting for Him, and my hope is in His Word." Psalms 130:5


Finally, and just before the wife is about to explode the hostess comes to seat them. The wife tells her it's about time, because I know we were here before those other people; I didn't think we would ever get seated. As they are walking to be seated they look and see the first couple that was seated before them. They were sitting in a table for two next to the kitchen area which seemed to be rather loud and annoying. Remember this was a very busy night so you can imagine the traffic coming in and out of that area from the waiters and staff. As they proceeded to make their way through the dining area they spotted the other couple that was called before them. The lady was looking uncomfortable as she briskly rubbed her arms up and down in an attempt to warm herself. Her and her husband had been seated by a window, and the chill from the glass and outside elements seemed to be taking a toll on them and the seats they were in. "When I was waiting quietly for the Lord, His heart was turned to me, and He gave ear to my cry." Psalms 40:1


Finally they made it to their table. It was in a nice cozy area of the restaurant. It was warm, away from the loudness of the bar and waiting area, not close to the kitchen and defiantly not by the cold window. As the hostess handed them their menus she apologized, explaining that they did not get seated as soon as she would have liked, because she was waiting to prepare a special place for them. 'A special place where they could enjoy the night but also have a little privacy. They wife had to laugh 'feeling a tad bit foolish' in a way at how her impatience almost caused her to miss out on a grand evening or how looking at others being called to the front line before her doesn't not always mean you are being skipped over or being placed last. Sometimes it means where you're going takes more preparation.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Deac. J Jones