Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Perfect Storm

Matthew 8:23-27 (New International Version)

Jesus Calms the Storm

 23Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"

 26He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

 27The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"


The Lord says if I call will you answer?

If I say Move will you move?

When I say stand will you stand?


One clear blue sunny day a vessel sets out on a charted journey. The crew has all supplies needed for the trip onboard. The weather has been verified and it looks like smooth sailing. As the ship gets a few miles out, the bright blue sunny sky begins to look cloudy and grey. Soon those grey skies are echoed by the sounds of thunder and with the sun hidden the only light that can be seen is the continuous stretch of lighting that illuminates the sky. It appears that the plans of the captain and crew may be slightly altered by an unexpected storm. Pretty soon the crew begins to worry and get a little tense asking the captain if he thinks they should turn around and head back. The captain ask the crew member if he has double checked to make sure they have everything they need in case the weather gets more intense. With a strange look, the crew member answers yes but still wondering why the captain has not answered him about turning back and seems to be dead set on continuing this journey.

Filled with fear and anger the crew member goes to his cabin on board and pulls out a small transmitter radio, desperate to get a signal he tries over and over but he cannot hear anyone and it appears no one can hear him. He runs back up on the deck too access the weather only to see that the waves are bigger the storm has grown stronger and it feels as if the boat will capsize at any moment. Every emotion in his body seemed to rush to his head as he stormed back up to where the captain was, asking him what is your problem? Can you not see what you are leading us into? Have you not taking the time to see that this storm can kill us and wipe this boat off the map! Once again the Captain replied 'have you checked to make sure we have all we need. Filled with anger, fury and fear the young crew member began to cry. With compassion and love the Captain let go of the wheel and wrapped his arms around the young man. He asked him, who am I?

Eyes filled with tears the young man gazed up and said what do you mean? Once again the Captain asked who am I? The crew member said you are the captain. The Captain asked how long have I been in charge of this vessel. The young man said well as long as I can remember. The captain asked him,,, is this the first storm I have guided you through a storm or a rough patch? Taking a deep breath and catching his composure the young man said no captain we have been though many storms together. Being as I am the captain of this vessel and everything on it including you is my responsibility, do you think I would lead you into a storm or on a path not knowing how get to our destination in one piece?

You see son before we left you had it all planed out. The weather was nice, water was calm and everything was fine. But I knew about this small rough spot that we would hit. But because I knew we could make it I decided not to go around it but rather through it. It would have been easy for me to re-alter the route but sometimes I just have to see what my crew is made of. I had to see if you trust me and my judgement enough to stand your ground hold up the fort and let me do my job, I mean I am the captain right?


Just as the captain finished his statement the sun began to shine rain ceased and waters laid flat. The young man began to cry again feeling foolish for doubting his father who was also his Captain. The Captain told him it was alright and he was not upset at him for his emotion getting the best of him but he wanted him to be mindful that he only has the best interest for him and just wanted him to trust his judgement in the rocky times as well as the good.


Just as the Captain in the story we have a Captain in our lives that we have to trust no matter how big the storm may be. No matter what the situation looks like we have to be mindful that he knows what's best for use even when it doesn't seem to make sense. Our father in Heaven loves us. He created us in his own image. So if you really and truly trust him why would you doubt that he would give you a promise only to destroy you. People of God we really have to learn to TRUST STAND Have Faith & Believe.


Trust In His WORD

Stand On His Promises

Have Faith and be unmoved

Believe that he will because he can

THERE is no Such Thing as a Perfect Storm Only a Perfect GOD





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