Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Flesh & the Ivory plant :

My wife has an Ivory plant that she has been having for years & what’s amazing to me is I have watched this plant die & come back to life dozens of times over the course of years. I watch as all the leaves wilt away and the plant looses life from time to time and just as it die’s I watch it come back to life with a little attention/water& shade. Now I compared the Plant to our flesh for the simple fact that when our flesh dies we love to water it just a little bit and bring it back to life. Instead of a daily resurrection of or flesh we should be slain in the spirit daily, sacrificing pleasure’s of sin placing our world joys on the alter at God’s feet .

Pleasure of Sin: Hebrews 11:25 (New International Version)
25He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.
Question: How often do you sacrifice what others might say or what you might miss out on to follow Christ and be obedient to his commandments?
Why is it that all the things we enjoy most in life seems to be of a sin or will lead to us sinning? Why is it so Hard for us to kill our flesh, which must be done on a daily basis. Just as we get up on a daily and wash our face & brush our teeth we should ask God daily to help us resist the temptations of this world & to help us crucify or flesh. Just as the ivory plant which dies and we want to bring it back for the joy that plants give we must do the opposite & ask for the death of our flesh because the joy we get from living in sin will only lead to death.
Romans 6:23 (King James Version):
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Do this daily:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

We really don’t understand that it is not a physical fight that we face but a spiritual fight that is taking place all around us daily. Who’s side are you on? I say that to say this. We pray & ask GOD to remove what is wrong from our life & as this is taking place we at times don’t do what it takes to resist pleasures of life. We have just prayed for a release of whatever the sin may be from our life but then welcome another sin into our life to take its place or sometimes the same thing we are praying to get rid of!!!!

We should not take light the promise of God. Anything done in sin will surly die because of the sin. Repent & turn away from the things we call guilty pleasures. The enemy has deceived us long enough. Pick your cross up strap it to your back and march. Don’t look back! When the flesh is wilting away don’t water it don’t feed it. Watch what you take in on the radio, what you look at on TV the conversations you have on the phone or at work, watch the company you keep for all these things contributing factors to how we face the adversities of sin and the lust for sin. Don’t be like the ivory plant! WE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE THRU CHRIST JESUS the KING of KINGS & Lord of LORDs.....

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