Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Less filling but taste great!!!!!!

Monday, February 08, 2010
Less filling but taste great!!!!!!

Psalms 34:10 The Lions Grow Weak & hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
How many of us are familiar with not only that phrase from the old beer commercials but can actually relate to what it is saying. Think about it for a sec….. "less filling but taste great". How often does our flesh hunger or thirst for something that looks good or even taste good only to be displeased,unsatisfied and hungry or thirsty a short while after because it was more appealing than fulfilling! Often times the temptations of the world we are surrounded with are what causes our down fall. Like momma use to say, “Everything good to you is not good for you” We never give God the satisfaction of satisfying. We sit aside the time that needs to be spent studying the word and getting to know God to watch TV,surf the net & play video games along with all types of other activities for that right now feeling never knowing that his word is not only good for your mind, feeds your spirit but also saves your soul. It gives A feeling like nothing this world could every offer! Give it a try. We not only have access but permission to drink from a living well that shall never run dry unlike the soda,coffee or beer which is a temporary thirst quencher for your body.
It's time to look beyond what we see people GOD, stop filling yourself with snacks and sips, It’s really time to eat & drink like big boys and girls. Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." Stop looking for a quick fix or right now feeling but really look at what our GOD has done for us, from then until NOW! He has promised us ETERNAL Life!
Ponder on the word eternal” having infinite duration” and compare weather that thing that brings us joy on earth can compare to Eternal Life, Eternal Salvation, Eternal Peace, Eternal Joy,& Eternal Fellowship with Christ the King, or do you just wanna settle for what feels good right now at the moment? John 1 2:15
Love not the World, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in Him.

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