Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Shut Up & Ride!!!!!

J. Jones 1-18-2010

I RECALL RIDING IN THE CAR WITH MY MOM AS A CHILD, I WAS LIKE A GPS OR A MINI VERSION OF MAPQUEST AT 5YRS OLD. I KNEW HOW TO GET TO EVERY DESTINATION MY MOM WENT TO. If she said we were going to Wal-mart, I knew the way TO GO, if it was to visit my sister in college I knew the way, but every once and awhile mom would take a different route or try a new way to get us to where we was going. I would look & ride for a while but if we got to off course or to deep in unfamiliar territory I would lean in between the driver and passenger seat from the back and say ‘momma where we going, this not the way we usually go & mom would say ‘Boy shut up & ride, I know where I’m going’. As much as I tired to shut up and ride I just did not like to be lead into unfamiliar places so I would have to ask again. Not that mom didn’t know her way around, but even as a child I just had to be in the know and in control of things that I really had no control over.
Think back on your life when you had to ride or depend on someone to get you to a place, & because they had control of the wheel all you could do is trust and wait for them to get you there.
Some of us if not most, are dealing with that now. The difference is, instead of a friend or neighbour getting you there its God behind the wheel.
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11
Looking back on my childhood and where I’m at today I have to check myself time to time, Because it’s not my mother telling me but the Lord almighty saying Shut-up & ride. WE are so use to doing things our way and handling things on our own accord that we find it hard having faith to just sit still and let the Lord lead us. If it’s not the way we know we worry, if we don’t get there as fast as we would like we start to lack faith and doubt.

Psalm 37:34
34 Wait passionately for GOD,
don't leave the path.
He'll give you your place in the sun
while you watch the wicked lose it.
As my Father in the faith says “We live in a microwave society and we want everything instantly” Sometimes it’s just better to wait and not rush the promise or the plans of the Lord. One thing to keep in mind is.. If HE promised it-It shall surely be fulfilled. Our time is not the Lords just as our ways are not his.
Through staying on the path and abiding with the Lord, your path illuminates by itself: The path may look dark ahead, but it’s okay. As you take the next step (by faith), the path starts to illuminate a little further down the road. You know the direction to travel; and your steps are ordered of the Lord. The Bible states in Proverbs 4:18, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” You see, God wants you to walk by faith - to trust Him; so the future may look dark and you don’t know how you are going to get to that divine destination, but it’s okay: Trust God, take the next step that you know; stay close to God (abide) through the Word of God, prayer and praise. The path lights up as you travel along it; and it shines brighter and brighter - You are walking according to God’s plan and purpose, and that can only lead to a good end!

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