Thursday, February 11, 2010

Take out the Garbage

Bind the strong man “take out the Garbage”

Matt 12:22-29

Mark 11:25-26

Matthew 12:43-45

Hebrews 12:14

Ephesians 4:22-32

Leviticus 20:6-7

2 Corinthians 6:14-17

The bible says that the devil is the lord of the flies; take out your garbage because garbage attracts flies!!!!!!

Things to get rid of:

Stinky attitudes====no garbage no flies

Rebellion, stubbornness, hardheadedness, being un-submissive disobedient all are types of Garbage in our lives=no garbage no flies

Strife, bickering, auguring, conflict, bitterness, un-forgiveness, & Repetitive sin are all forms of trash we keep in our lives that has us bound and attract flies which are spirits that cause confusion disease and discomfort.

People we talk to, conversations we have, thoughts that we entertain in our mind attract flies! Stop shoeing the flies away but clean house and take out the garbage. Stop setting the trash on the back porch making excuses about why it has not been taking out. Shows we watch on TV, Songs and Lyrics we take in attract Flies!

When a fly is in the house it does not care who’s plate it gets on. So even if you are the one that leaves the door open for a fly to get in, who’s to say it won’t attack your love ones “spouse, children, or anyone else” Think about that!!! Your sin attracting demons to attack others in your HOME!


Stop waiting on God to take it out for you, you have the power to do it yourself.

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