Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why Me Lord?

What is it that you see in me Lord...Why Me

Could it be my sinful nature that makes you love me the way you do....

The way I seek forgiveness just to turn & do the same things again....

Is it the way I gossip about my fellow brother/sister that makes you love me the way you do....

Is my unforgiving/ bitter ways the reason why I'm so special to you...

My Lack of Faith, the way I look at the situation instead of you...

The Way I scheme from time to time just to get a little extra here or there....Why Me Lord?


I know I'm far from perfect yet you chose to open my eyes this morning, breath air into my lungs, gave me the strength and muscle

Control to stand up and get ready for the day! I look around and you have blessed me in ways beyond measure.

I look up and there is a roof over my head, you've clothed me father, & provided my transportation. I just want to say thank you but still I can't help but ask, WHY ME LORD?


John 15:13-15 (NLT)
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.


Thank you father for sending your only begotten son to die for my sins, Thank you father for being a kind and mercifully father, one of compassion and grace, A father of second chance. I thank you for seeing past my faults father. I thank you for not judging me the way I judge others, for not holding me to my past thoughts actions or deeds as I have done to my fellow brothern. I thank you for when I am lacking in faith and it seems that I have lost sight that you show me that you love me & you will never forsake me. I thank you for the blood that was shed to cover all of my sins. The same blood that has granted me eternal life, I thank you for the victory and most of all I just thank you for choosing me.



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